Image of hobbit feet - These were Frodo's feet in LOTR : pics

Feet image of hobbit Image Gallery:

Feet image of hobbit These were

Homo floresiensis

Feet image of hobbit These were


Feet image of hobbit What are

Image Gallery: A Real

Feet image of hobbit Hobbit

Feet image of hobbit Homo floresiensis

28 Celebs With Ugly Feet: Gross Corns and Crusty Hammer Toes

Feet image of hobbit Hobbit


Feet image of hobbit Homo floresiensis

Feet image of hobbit Hobbit

Image Gallery: A Real

Feet image of hobbit Image Gallery:

Musings of a Tolkienist: Do Hobbits Really Have Big Feet?

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  • Also, in 2009, anthropologists and Catharine FitzGerald compared the Flores bones with those of ten people who had had cretinism, and found no overlap.

  • By the time of Bilbo and Frodo, these kinds had intermixed for centuries, though unevenly, so that some families and regions skewed more towards descent from one of the three groups.