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Exclusive jenna shea NBA's Andre

Exclusive jenna shea NBA's Andre

Exclusive jenna shea Michael Scott

Michael Scott Paper Company, episode #99 of Office Ladies on Earwolf

Exclusive jenna shea Michael Scott

Exclusive jenna shea Michael Scott

NBA's Andre Drummond

Exclusive jenna shea NBA's Andre

Michael Scott Paper Company, episode #99 of Office Ladies on Earwolf

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Michael Scott Paper Company, episode #99 of Office Ladies on Earwolf

Exclusive jenna shea NBA's Andre


  • When Michael pulls away, they had removed the foam cushioning, and that crunch you hear was a special effects sound that they added in post.

  • The one other time we had paparazzi show up was when we were shooting on location for Jim and Pam's wedding.

So this reminded me of this very funny back and forth that my husband and I have had, because I always say that Lee makes the best coffee in the morning and the best eggs.

  • She doesn't have time for that conversation.

  • Or should he take them off? I sort of just took a snippet out.