Lauren phillips blacked out - Lauren Phillips steps out for The Block auction in Melbourne

Phillips blacked out lauren Lauren Phillips

Phillips blacked out lauren Lauren Phillips

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

Phillips blacked out lauren Lauren Phillips

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

[Devil’sFilm] Blacked Out 07

Phillips blacked out lauren [Devil’sFilm] Blacked

[Devil’sFilm] Blacked Out 07

Phillips blacked out lauren Lauren Phillips

The 34-year-old paired it with a white T-shirt and simple white sneakers.

  • Lauren stood by as the camera operator got into position On Wednesday, she claimed she had become aware over the weekend that the snippet she had laughed at had been ripped from a TikTok video.

  • Phillips cackled with laughter in the segment, which was later posted on the radio station's own social media platforms.


  • Stepping out: Lauren Phillips stepped out for The Block auction in Melbourne on Saturday She was spotted with a film crew nearby, indicating that she'll appear on camera for The Block auction.

  • Phillips added that the incident had impacted deeply on the entire production crew.