Lola montez instagram - #MistressMondays Presents: Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez #MistressMondays Presents:

Instagram lola montez Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez #MistressMondays Presents:

#MistressMondays Presents: Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez #MistressMondays Presents:

Instagram lola montez #MistressMondays Presents:

#MistressMondays Presents: Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez Lola Montez

Instagram lola montez #MistressMondays Presents:

Instagram lola montez Lola Montez


  • After the duel, which killed her lover, Montez soured a bit on Paris and decided to give Munich a try.

  • When her father died of cholera, her mother remarried a British Lieutenant who had no understanding of how to raise a free-spirited, toddler girl who was prone to temperamental outbursts.

Her next marriage was to George Heald, a British cavalry officer who had come into quite a large inheritance.

  • This allows her to quickly prepare for competitions.

  • Wherever Lola went, chaos was sure to follow, though that never seemed to slow her down.