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'The help never lasts': why has Mexico's education revolution failed?

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'The help never lasts': why has Mexico's education revolution failed?

However, the ruins reveal the prestigious past of a building that was once the most magnificent religious monument in Normandy.

  • The education budget was slashed by 11.

  • Another noteworthy monument in Rouen is the Gros-Horloge clock tower in the center of town.

Apart from the fishing harbor, the main tourist attraction here is the old abbey church of Sainte-Trinité, originally built in the 12th and 13th centuries.

  • Rooms within the ramparts house the Musée de Normandie, a museum focused on the Normandy region's culture and history, including the history of the castle.

  • Accommodation: In Lower Normandy near the English Channel, Caen played a critical role during the Nazi Occupation of World War Two.