Sara moni cosplay - 'Xplosion of Awesome: Vampire Jubilee Cosplay by Sara Moni

Moni cosplay sara Guardians of

Moni cosplay sara Page 11

Moni cosplay sara Page 11

Cosplay Superstar: Sara Moni

Moni cosplay sara Guardians of

Moni cosplay sara 10 Storm

Moni cosplay sara 'Xplosion of

[TCN’s Cultured Cosplay] Sara Moni

Moni cosplay sara Sara Moni

Moni cosplay sara 'Xplosion of

Moni cosplay sara 10 Storm

Moni cosplay sara Page 11

Since we do so many events throughout the year, and not just for cons, it motivated me to get some more variety in my closet.

  • Her particular Storm comes from the 1980s.

  • I want to say around September the interviews should be more consistent since there are less conventions.

Start small or start early for a big project.

  • Not that Harley Quinn would agree.

  • Let us know in the comments! She's been a princess, an orphan, an member, and a queen.