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Pictures richie nicole nude of Nicole Richie

The 'Fashion Star' mentor has her own fashion line but admitted her husband Joel Madden never asks her for clothing advice and their three-year-old son Sparrow also has his own ideas on what to wear.

  • But Nicole was not always been the small glamorous blonde that we know.

  • Do you like this picture of Nicole Richie? As of today, over 6.

Nicole Richie pictures gallery Gallery last updated: 2008-08-18.

  • The three stars even posed for a photo together, but they look so sweaty that it appears the venue was in need of a fan.

  • Read More Ā» Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:36:50 Rate news: +0 Joel Madden hopes he ''didn't cause too much drama'' after marijuana was found in his hotel room in Australia on Sunday 09.