Preeti young instagram - Babestation's Preeti and Priya on My Mum's Hotter Than Me

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Babestation's Preeti and Priya on My Mum's Hotter Than Me

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Babestation's Preeti and Priya on My Mum's Hotter Than Me

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Babestation's Preeti and Priya on My Mum's Hotter Than Me

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Babestation's Preeti and Priya on My Mum's Hotter Than Me

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

Instagram preeti young Babestation's Preeti

The trio appear in the programme which follows family elders who believe they are more attractive than the youngsters.

  • Their social media pages are littered with X-rated snaps and full frontal nudity One of their first modelling shoots was carefully monitored by their mother who made sure there were no 'open leg shots or nudity'.

  • They are unique they bring a new vibe to the industry.