How to twerk with a lil booty - How To Twerk For Beginners Step By Step

With lil how booty to twerk a How To

With lil how booty to twerk a How To

Lil Nas X Has Released A New, Absolutely Real Game: Twerk Hero

With lil how booty to twerk a REAL YOUNG

3 Ways to Twerk

With lil how booty to twerk a How To


With lil how booty to twerk a How To

With lil how booty to twerk a How To

With lil how booty to twerk a Lil Nas

With lil how booty to twerk a Lil Nas

With lil how booty to twerk a REAL YOUNG

3 Ways to Twerk

With lil how booty to twerk a How To

How To Twerk For Beginners Step By Step

And don't worry if you don't have a big booty.

  • This is a great lower back, abs, legs and booty workout— try this move a few times slow and then speed up.

  • Get your toes firmly on the wall and practice arching your back and hallowing it, creating the basic twerk move.