Mer Morte: a soft and neutral turquoise.
It drives you mad, it drives you crazy, it makes you want to scream! Pędzelek jest dosyć gruby, z prostym i długim zakończeniem.
Abbreviations: b, barite layer; e, epidermis; d, dermis; ds, dark stratified region; g, sedimentary grains; h, hinge area; hs, hair shaft; hy, hypodermis; m, sedimentary matrix; p, pigment cells; s, epidermal scale; sc, stratum corneum; sg, stratum germinativum.
Begin with a clean and dry nail.
Although the presence of skin would appear at odds with a period of subaerial exposure and disarticulation of the carcass, it is not without precedent, and instead provides circumstantial evidence of the structural integrity of the epidermis see and.
Following storage, the samples were slowly introduced to 30% sucrose.