Brenda sykes movies - Honky DVD 1971 love story... of stars Brenda Sykes, John Neilson

Sykes movies brenda The Nubian

Sykes movies brenda Mandingo (film)

Brenda Sykes: Age, Wiki, Biography

Sykes movies brenda The Nubian

Mandingo (film)

Sykes movies brenda Pulp International

Brenda Sykes Age, Height,Net Worth & Bio

Sykes movies brenda Brenda Sykes

Pulp International

Sykes movies brenda Brenda Sykes

Sykes movies brenda The Nubian

Sykes movies brenda Honky (1971)

Sykes movies brenda Mandingo (film)

Sykes movies brenda Mandingo (film)

On website , the film holds a 26% critical approval rating based on 19 reviews and has an average score of 4.

  • The ultra shy beauty really never fit into the Hollywood scene and decided to leave the celebrity atmosphere and spend her life as an everyday person.

  • And we know that tomorrow there's going to be a lot of trouble.

Ken Norton, Brenda Sykes, and Lillian Hayman were the only actors from the first film to return for the sequel.

  • To avoid a scandal, the child is killed on doctor's orders.

  • Shelley Winters grandiosely overacts as the villain, but she's fun in a role that requires her to dominate lots of tough henchmen, only to be inevitably slapped around and killed by Dobson in the climax.