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Phoenix Marie Newest Porn Videos

It gives horny people hope that there might be a Phoenix Marie lurking in the depths of shy awkward girls everywhere.

  • She was a rather shy and scholarly girl at high school.

  • Luckily, there are no signs that she's going to give up her passion in porn any time soon.


  • Where does Miss Marie shine most? Before getting into the biz, and even before discovering her cougar powers, this girl was a certified nerd, shy and awkward, but with a growing curiosity about everything deviant and filthy when it came to ugly-bumping.

  • How many men and women have fallen fully prey to her big juicy ass? Phoenix is furious, but has a perfect way to channel her anger and show the troubled teen what a real woman can do with her young, tight pussy! Now Phoenix Marie loves getting fucked for a living and especially likes anal sex, preferring reverse cowgirl style.