Asriel dreemurr teen - Teenage Asriel Dreemurr

Dreemurr teen asriel Teenage Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel Teenage Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel The Master/Future

Teenage Asriel Dreemurr

Dreemurr teen asriel Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel Teenage Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel The Master/Future

Dreemurr teen asriel Teenage Asriel

Dreemurr teen asriel Asriel

Teenage Asriel Dreemurr

Dark Kid Any : Finds himself too far surpassing to them.

  • After Kris returns from the , a number of characters in Hometown can be spoken to about Asriel.

  • Key: Normal God of Hyperdeath Final Form Others Notable Victories: Notable Losses: Notable Draw:.

Flowey is incredibly clever, being able to manipulate many of the game's characters into doing exactly what he wants even across different timelines , due to living out almost every possible outcome and knowing exactly what certain individuals will do Weaknesses: A kind soul with enough Determination can reach out and make him remember who he once was.

  • He is very popular in Hometown, and many of Kris's neighbors exclusively talk about him to praise him, unlike Kris.

  • Asriel is a good friend, a good cuddle buddy, and a good wingman.