Only A list celebrities are a household name, all the others are unknown to most people outside of their limited fanbases.
It is too much to just pretend it didn't happen.
Again, if she is happy with who she is and is happy with her life then that is all that matters.
Is she chubby, or is it a façade of the media to generate hits on their websites? In an occurrence that is cliché with many celebrities, Amanda Fuller is no longer a size 10! They could really use this as a solid plot point.
The fact that you are almost never happy with your meals and only seem to care about how you look and how you fit some unrealistic standard of beauty set by incels like you is a sign that you are indeed not healthy at all.
She was played by in season one and was replaced by in the second season due to the creative reasons of the show wanting to progress the story-line, thus the age difference between Krosney and Fuller.