Rio sage hot - SciELO

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Rio Sage

Hot rio sage Rio Sage

Rio Sage

Hot rio sage SciELO

Hot rio sage Rio Sage


Hot rio sage Rio Sage

A study of leprosy and other skin diseases in school children in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.

  • Since the barrier effect to the penetration of the solar radiation in the skin is represented by elastosis, increased number of cells in the layers between the rete ridges, increased melanocytes and dermal vessels, represented by ectasia, it is possible that there is a tolerance effect to solar damage in these communities that probably also inhibits the development of immunosuppression.

  • Right: larva migrans in a colony's child Putting together both the pediatric and adult patients, nine active cases of larva migrans were seen.

Added to this fact, countryfolks walk barefoot most of the time, what lead to a currently uncontrolled outbreak, reflecting in the statistics of the consultations.

  • It has about 300 residents, of which approximately 100 are professional fishermen.

  • Figure 1 Top: view of the Picinguaba beach.