I used Gibbed to change Shepard's gender to see if anything was different at the end.
One of the developers of Mass Effect confirmed that female turians don't have breasts if you think of it from a real world perspective and work from the wiki it indicates they would as it says they are supposed to give birth to live young so they would need something similar to feed there kids for the first few month's or week's I think I may be wrong.
Someone's doing a nude turian model over on the Mass Effect General thread on 4chan It's about halfway down the page dam well no point in adding my failed attempt from the old forum then One of the developers of Mass Effect confirmed that female turians don't have breasts if you think of it from a real world perspective and work from the wiki it indicates they would as it says they are supposed to give birth to live young so they would need something similar to feed there kids for the first few month's or week's I think I may be wrong.