Jodi ann paterson dude wheres my car - Watch Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) on

Dude car ann wheres paterson jodi my ‎Dude, Where's

‎Dude, Where's My Car? (2000) directed by Danny Leiner • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd

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Dude car ann wheres paterson jodi my ‎Dude, Where's

Dude car ann wheres paterson jodi my Dude, Where's

Dude car ann wheres paterson jodi my Super Hot

But they are referred to as stoners, and their alter egos are allegedly Johnny Potsmoker and Smokey McPot, respectively.

  • But before he can even finish his sentence she stuffs him into her mouth and swallows him whole.

  • This is the least unusual thing that happens in the story.